Manage Team Page

Nick Adams
12 Jan 2024  • 4 mins read

Permissions: All Admin users have access to and can view the Manage Team Page.

To access the Manage Team Page, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the ellipsis menu (…) located on the home page.
  1. Select Manage Team.

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Team Members

All team members invited within a ProjectDeck subscription are listed on this page. You can use the search function to find and select a specific team member from the list.


Inviting New Members

Permissions: Owners and User Admin roles can invite new members and remove members.

New team members can be invited to the subscription via the Invite Members button.

Upon clicking Invite Members, a control panel will open, prompting you to enter the new team member’s email address. You can also include an optional message with the invitation.

Invited team members will receive an email with instructions on how to access the subscription. They will appear as disabled (grey text) in the team member list until they accept the invitation.



Assigning Roles

Permissions: The Owner role can assign any Admin role, while the User Admin role can assign the Lifecycle Admin or Project Admin roles only.

You can assign roles to team members, whether they have accepted an invitation or not. ProjectDeck has two categories of roles:

    1. Admin roles (including the Owner role)
    2. Project roles

Only one Owner is required for each ProjectDeck subscription, and the Owner role can be transferred on the Organisation Profile Page.

The Admin Roles help page outlines the relevant permissions for each Owner or Admin role, and a team member may be assigned multiple Admin Roles.

Project Roles are distinct from Admin Roles and are set at the project level, not through the Manage Team Page. The Project Roles help page details the relevant permissions for Project Manager, Project Member, and Project Reader roles.

Assigning Seats

Permissions: The User Admin role can assign or revoke seats.

Each team member can be assigned a seat, which allows them to be allocated the Project Manager or Project Member role within a project. These roles grant the ability to edit project data within the Project Pages.

To assign a seat, locate the team member in the Manage Team Grid and select “1 seat” from the dropdown menu. To remove a seat, select “0 seat” from the dropdown menu.

Note: Not all team members will require a seat; for example, Project Reader roles may be assigned to a project without a seat. Owners and Admin roles also do not require a seat unless they are actively participating in project work.

Other Options

Permissions: Owners or User Admin roles may access an ellipsis (…) menu next to each team member listing.

The ellipsis menu offers several functions:

  1. Remove a user: This removes the user from the subscription and revokes all Admin Roles and Project Roles.
  2. Re-send invite: If a user has lost their invitation email, a new invitation can be sent.
  3. View profile: This option allows you to view the team member’s profile, providing additional information on their project assignments.


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