Form Properties

Form Properties serve as essential metadata associated with your forms, enabling you to categorise and organise your data effectively. These properties consist of pairs of data labels, such as “Start Date,” along with corresponding input fields, for instance, “20-Dec-23.”
Utilising Form Properties in ProjectDeck Grids on the Project Pages empowers users to perform powerful searches, apply filters, sort data, and group large volumes of forms with ease.
You can access Form Properties from the Properties tab on the form page, as depicted in the image below:
Let’s look at each Form Property type and explore how to use them effectively:
Text Property
Text Properties allow project users to input short text strings within the designated field. These text strings can be as long as the property field permits.
Number Property
Number Properties enable project users to enter numeric values, including integers, currencies, and percentages, depending on the property configuration within the associated template.
Single Select Property
With Single Select Properties, project users can choose a single response from a predefined list in the field on the right side of the property. Users also have the option to delete their selection using the X icon to make an alternative choice.
Multi-Select Property
Multi-Select Properties allow project users to choose one or more responses from a defined list. Users can amend their selections using the X icon to make alternative choices.
Date Property
Date Properties enable project users to input dates, dates and times or ranges of dates and times using the date picker in the property. The specific format depends on the configuration set in the associated template.
Person Property
Person Properties allow project users to input a person’s name in the field on the right side of the property. Users can enter a text string for a person’s name, an email address, or a ProjectDeck user’s email address.
URL Property
URL Properties enable project users to input web addresses in the field on the right side of the property. When a web address is entered into a URL Property, it functions as a hyperlink. Clicking on the hyperlink opens the listed webpage in a separate browser tab.
Incorporating Form Properties into your forms enhances organisation, categorisation, and searchability, making it easier to manage and access your data within ProjectDeck.