Form Components

Form Components serve as the building blocks of forms within ProjectDeck, providing Project Managers and Project Members with the means to input crucial data.
Below, we explore the various types of components that can be included in a form:
Single Line Components
Single Line Components allow you to enter plain text, making them suitable for short, concise information. They offer the following optional configurations:
- Additional help and guidance.
- Mandatory completion (indicated by a red asterisk, “*”).
- A comments section for supplementary information.
Multi-line Components
Multi-line Components are designed for larger volumes of text. They offer the following optional configurations:
- Rich text mode, enabling text formatting, bullet lists, number lists, colour formatting, and more. The full-screen text editor can be accessed using the ‘expand’ icon in the rich text editor.
- Additional help and guidance.
- Mandatory completion (indicated by a red asterisk, “*”).
- A comments section for further context.
Number Components
Number Components exclusively accept numerical inputs. They offer the following optional configurations:
- Option to express the number as currency.
- Additional help and guidance.
- Mandatory completion (indicated by a red asterisk, “*”).
- A comments section for supporting text.
Date Components
Date Components are used for date entries. They offer the following optional configurations:
- Additional help and guidance.
- Mandatory completion (indicated by a red asterisk, “*”).
- A comments section for supplementary information.
Dropdown Components
Dropdown Components allow you to select a response from a predefined list. They offer the following optional configurations:
- Additional help and guidance.
- Mandatory completion (indicated by a red asterisk, “*”).
- A comments section for additional context.
Single Choice Components
Single Choice Components enable the selection of a single response from a predefined list while displaying all available options. They offer the following optional configurations:
- Additional help and guidance.
- Mandatory completion (indicated by a red asterisk, “*”).
- A comments section for supplementary information.
Multiple Choice Components
Multiple Choice Components allow the selection of multiple responses from a predefined list. They offer the following optional configurations:
- Additional help and guidance.
- Mandatory completion (indicated by a red asterisk, “*”).
- A comments section for additional context.
Table Components
Table Components provide a structured format for entering data. They offer the following optional configurations:
- The ability to add, move, or insert columns and rows.
- Column width adjustment through dragging.
- Option for a locked table to prevent structural changes to the table.
- Additional help and guidance.
- Mandatory completion (indicated by a red asterisk, “*”).
- A comments section for supplementary information.
Attachment Components
Attachment Components enable file uploads by Project users, accommodating various file types. Admins may also include template-specific attachments, offering useful supporting documents or technical files. They offer the following optional configurations:
- Additional help and guidance.
- Mandatory completion (indicated by a red asterisk, “*”).
- A comments section for supporting text.
Document Components
Document Components facilitate collaborative editing of Microsoft 365 Word, Excel, or PowerPoint documents directly from ProjectDeck. After editing, simply close the window, and your data will be saved within the ProjectDeck form. They offer the following optional configurations:
- Additional help and guidance.
- A comments section for supplementary information.
Form Components in Collection Grids
Single line components, number components, date components, single choice components and multiple-choice components can have their data viewed in Collections on the Project Page.
With these versatile form components, ProjectDeck empowers users to create and manage a wide range of forms efficiently, ensuring structured data entry and seamless collaboration.